Saturday 8 October 2011


All my life I am battling to loose weight, since grade 4. When I was in college I achieved 65kg weight doing exercise and starving my self  I get motivated because I want to look good,it stays for 2 months then a came back to 75kg,  I was doing exercise  but eating much because im dead tired hungry after training's.Now  I am a mum and my weight balloons to 100kg , Im trying to loose weight by cutting my food intake but wouldn't last long before I knew it I am back TO 100kg again. Bikini body /looking good/looking normal is dream to me ,loosing weight is like winning a lottery one in a million chance.

I always envy women petite or normal size , cause I never been in to that situation. I am lacking of self esteem, I am friendless and scared to make friends and join group or socialize to people.I look ugly fat  and this makes me eat more and more food which comports me when Im down feeling useless.

 Im looking for weight loss challenge and found plenty of site offer's 12 week challenge ., I was wanting one with rewards for me to get motivated, if ever there is, money goes to my dyeing cousin who suffer's cancer, they are poor family living overseas in a third world country. He got no chance to survive as the cancer spread through out his Body, he doesn't know that he will die any moment from now.Id like to make his last days in Earth happier.

This was a plan, I will try my very best , I was lacking of motivation and this was the perfect one will ever had,